Feature Film Profile Budget for this feature film is estimated to be $15 million -"The Establishment" feature film and book will be presenting a behind-the-scenes expose of personalities and powerful corporate interests directing American government policy, whose principal goal is the establishment of a one-world government where the monetary system is in the control of federal reserve Exchange Stabilization Fund with participation from privately owned but government-chartered various country central banks. This conspiracy includes such elements as the Illuminati/Club of Rome, the New Age movement, the Freemasons, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission. Feature film investors that have expressed interest with investing in feature film include: 1. Tony Miami of New York Film-Group 2. Moving Picture Institute ; feature film 'A' level actors that have expressed interest with accepting lead-role in feature film include Alec Baldwin (role: David Rockefeller) and David Bowles (role: JP Morgan)
Film Dedicated to Victims of Criminal Anti-trust, Dominance, Monopoly, and Collusion United States public at large outrage - References: 'Occupy Wall Street' protesting wall street meltdown of 2008/09 that destroyed $3 Trillion in middle-class equity investment value on stock market; Tea Party/republican party rank and file attempting to place controls on federal government over-spending/Budget, and $18 Trillion US Debt ($130 Billion monthly interest payment on Sovereign Debt) including $100 Trillion in unfunded liabilities (medicare and Medicaid); not to mention over $ 200 Trillion trading in derivatives that are not backed by assets and may lead to the collapse of financial markets worldwide in the near future.