‘The Establishment’
Feature Film

The Establishment founding family is Rothchild based in Frankfurt, Germany; a relatively small bank with its beginnings in the 1700’s. By the 1820’s, the Rothchild family became the dominant banking concern of Europe, controlling the fastest growing banking houses in France, England, Austria, Italy and Germany. Each of the Rothchild brothers controlled a different country; their market dominance within banking is attributed to their alliance with the secret society of Freemasonry. Rothchild benefited from a vast international network of Freemasonry business and political contacts, and Freemasonry in turn received substantial funds to promote and establish their ‘New World Order’ plans, which can be simply defined as ‘one government administering entire world ’.

During the late 1800’s, Rothchild began financing American industrialists including the Rockefeller Oil Monopoly, the Carnegie Steel Empire, the Ford Motor Vehicle Assembly Line, as well as the Harriman Railroad System. These investments were carried out through the Warburg’s of Germany, who were partners of Kuhn Loeb & Company of New York. Both the Warburg’s and Kuhn Loeb would later become principal shareholders in the Federal Reserve System, with Paul Warburg becoming the first Chairman of the Federal Reserve Board in 1913. Rockefeller in like manner to Rothchild, would go on to finance many of America’s industrialists through Chase Manhattan and Citibank, which have been long standing family banks. Rockefeller’s and Carnegie’s have inter-married, and by 1937 one could trace an unbroken line of biological relationships. In the United States, one-half of the wealthiest families were either Rockefeller’s or Carnegie’s. As a result of this chain, much of America’s wealth can be traced to old money of Europe or Rothchild.

The Federal Reserve System is a central bank operating, as a privately held corporation owned by Class ’A’ stockholders with controlling interest held by fewer than a dozen international banking establishments (Article I Section 8 of the U.S. Constitution prohibits private interests from issuing money or setting the value thereof. This power belongs only to the Congress. Therefore, according to the U.S. Constitution, the Federal Reserve System is an illegal enterprise). Only four of the Class ‘A’ stockholders were based in the United States, the balance is European with the most influential being Rothchild family of London. The primary Class “A” stockholders include Rothchild Banks of London and Berlin, Lazard Brothers Banks of Paris, Israel Moses Seif Banks of Italy, Warburg Bank of Hamburg and Amsterdam, Lehman Brothers Bank of New York, Kuhn Loeb Bank of New York, and Goldman Sachs Bank of New York. Rockefeller stockholdings of the Federal Reserve System carried through Chase Manhattan Bank. Each year billions of dollars are earned by Class ‘A’ stockholders of the Federal Reserve System. Much of this money, along with the annual profits stemming from hundreds of corporations owned by the same interests is funneled into tax-exempt foundations where it is then invested into American and foreign corporations, not to mention secondary tax-exempt foundations influencing foreign affairs, media, education, and political think tanks through grants and research funds.

By 1890, Standard Oil and John D. Rockefeller were refining 90 percent of all crude oil in the United States and began international expansion. In 1911, the Supreme Court ruled that Standard Oil of New Jersey was in violation of the Sherman Anti-Trust Law. The holding company was dissolved and its shares distributed among thirty-three in an attempt to break up the monopoly. It soon became evident all the new companies were owned by the same people (John D. Rockefeller owned 25 percent of the stock in each of the companies), and there wasn’t a shred of competition among any of them. Offshoots of the original Standard Oil Trust of New York (today Mobil) include Standard Oil of California, Standard Oil of Indiana, Standard Oil of Ohio (Soho), Marathon, Phillips 66, and Chevron. Congressional investigations discovered four of the largest oil companies were under the control of the Rockefeller family. Standard Oil of New Jersey (Exxon) alone controlled 321 companies, including Humble Oil and Venezuela’s Creole Petroleum, themselves among the largest corporations in the world. By 1975, the Rockefellers gained control of the single largest block of shares in Atlantic Richfield (ARCO), and were believed to be in control of Texaco as well. It was also discovered that the Rockefellers were operating major joint ventures with Royal Dutch Shell, which was in the hands of Europeans.

Colonel Edward M. House served as a Rothchild Agent in the United States, and gained prominence in 1912 working as Advisor to Woodrow Wilson assisting in securing his Presidential candidacy and winning the election. Upon securing the office of President to the United States, Wilson selected Colonel House as his personal advisor exerting influence in the areas of banking and foreign affairs. Colonel House was to Wilson what Henry Kissinger was to Nixon. Colonel House successfully persuaded Wilson to support and sign the Federal Reserve Act into Law. Later realizing what he had done, President Wilson remorsefully replied, “ I have unwittingly ruined my country”. During World War I, which began within a year of the Federal Reserve Act’s passage, Colonel House would make secret trips to Europe as President Wilson’s Chief Foreign Diplomat. It didn’t take long before he managed to drag the United States into the war (April 1917). As the war came to an end in 1918, Colonel House worked diligently to plan the League of Nations. Funded in part by Rockefeller money, The League of Nations was to serve as the first political step to establishing a New World Order. President Wilson became the leading spokesman for the League of Nations and was viewed publicly as its Chief Architect, in spite of the fact that Colonel House was really the brain trust. The American people strongly resisted the move towards a New World Order, placing heavy pressure on Congress to reject the treaty, thereby keeping the United States out of the League of Nations.

The non-entry of the United States into the League of Nations represented a huge set-back to establishing a New World Order, but lessons learned from this failed experience included influencing both the public at large and Congress.
On May 30, 1919, several leading members of the delegation to the Paris Peace Conference met at the Hotel Majestic in Paris to discuss setting up an international organization that would advise their respective governments on international affairs. At a meeting on June 5, 1919, the planners organized the Council on Foreign Relations (known as CFR) with headquarters in New York, and sister-organization, the Royal Institute of International Affairs in London (known as Chatham House Study Group) to advise the British government. A subsidiary organization, the Institute of Pacific Affairs, was set up exclusively to deal with Far Eastern Affairs. Baron Edmond de Rothchild dominated the Paris Peace Conference, and each of the founders of these international organizations were men who met with Rockefeller’s approval. The CFR was officially formed on July 29, 1921; and money for the founding of the CFR came from John D. Rockefeller, J.P. Morgan, Paul Warburg, Otto Kahn, Bernard Baruch, Jacob Schiff, among others. The CFR has been using the strategy of surrounding leaders in high places (government, military, media, education, banking) with CFR members as advisors in their respective fields of expertise. Using the tactics of Freemasonry and with the financial support of major global tax-exempt foundations, the CFR has been able to rapidly advance their agenda of establishing a New World Order with relative ease. During the 1920’s and 1930’s the CFR made significant strides toward gaining control of the Democratic Party, and by the 1940’s the CFR had established a foothold into the Republican Party as well. With the start of World War II the CFR, thanks to the help of Franklin Roosevelt, would gain control of the State Department and, therefore, American foreign policy.

CFR control of the State Department would ensure United States entry into the United Nations following World War II. In fact, the CFR would act through the State Department to establish the United Nations in 1945. In 1945, at the United Nations founding conference, forty-seven members of the CFR were in the United States delegation, included among them were Edward Stettinius, the Secretary of State; John Foster Dulles; Adlai Stevenson; Nelson Rockefeller; and Alger Hiss, who was the Secretary General of the United Nations founding Conference. In order to condition the American public to accept the United Nations the CFR members of the media cast a favorable image for the United Nations, and the United Nations was established on American soil with John D. Rockefeller Jr. donating the land in New York. The United Nations CFR hierarchy and Charter call for a New World Order to be achieved through forming world administrative regions.

Chapter 8, Article 52 (2,3) and 53 (1) of the Charter, under Regional Arrangements Implementation Strategy-all countries of the world will be merged into several regions breaking down public at large resistance to the elimination of national borders, and then these regions would be merged into a system of one government administering all countries of the world.

It was soon realized that forming world administrative regions would be next to impossible to attain public at large political acceptance, so they decided to form world economic regions first, that would pave the way later towards political unions based on the same geographic boundaries thus achieving a New World Order. The international organization responsible for Europe’s economic regional integration is the Bilderberg Group (known as Bilderbergers). One hundred CFR members and leaders of NATO (known as North Atlantic Treaty Organization) countries met at the Bilderberg Hotel in Oosterbrook, Holland founding the Bilderbergers in 1954 for the express purpose of regionalizing Europe economically. Bilderbergers implemented the Treaty of Rome introducing a Common Market, and political union established through European Economic Community agreement. Prominent participants included David Rockefeller, Nelson Rockefeller, Helmut Schmidt of Germany, Rumor of Italy, Baron Edmond de Rothchild, Giscard d’Estaing of France, and Sir Eric Roll of England (Chairman, Warburg & Company) to name a few.

The dominant international organization that is charged with the task of overseeing the regionalization and unification of the entire world is the Club of Rome (known as COR), and most of the planning directives calling for a New World Order are coming from COR. COR was founded in Rome (April 1968), it derives a large percentage of its membership from CFR, and is strongly influenced by the teachings of Freemasonry.

During the 1950’s and 1960’s congressional leaders were actively campaigning against the constitutionality of Federal Reserve System, and began exposing the concentration of political power held by CFR members in Washington. For the first time a large number of American citizens became aware that large segments of United States industries were falling under the control of just a few establishments. In order to counter and deflect this public attention, David Rockefeller formed an international organizational named Trilateral Commission (known as TC) in 1973, and is charged with encouraging economic interdependence among the superpowers (North America, Western Europe, and Japan). In 1973, Arab leaders came together to impose an effective oil embargo (known as OPEC Oil Crisis). A common denominator between the Arabs, Rockefeller and Europeans was oil; and this oil was explored, drilled, and marketed by the Rockefeller and European Cartel. Profits derived from sky-high oil prices were funneled through Chase Manhattan and European Banks investing directly within Japanese industrial expansion, plunging United States auto and consumer electronics industries into deep recession. American consumers were forced to cut back their energy consumption, and purchased fuel-efficient cars. Before long, the United States was being flooded with inexpensive fuel-efficient automobiles, and inexpensive consumer electronic products. These actions turned Japan into an industrial giant, and the United States auto and consumer electronic industries have never fully recovered. Trilateral Commission was successful in deflecting public at large attention to Federal Reserve, and concentration of political power in Washington held by Council on Foreign Relations members.

The term New World Order (known as New International Order) is used privately by Freemasonry members, and since the inception of the CFR to describe the coming system of ‘one government administering the entire world’. However, since 1990 the term has been used publicly, and is revealing for what lies ahead affecting all countries of the world. A Freemasonry secret symbol portraying Latin message “Novus Ordo Sectorum” or New World Order is carried on Great Seal of the United States (1792) and later on the reverse-side of American one-dollar currency bill, with a Freemasonry symbol of a pyramid with the all-seeing eye of Osiris or Baal above it and a capstone separated from the top of the pyramid. Once a system of ‘one government administering the entire world’ is implemented, the Freemasonry symbol will be changed to both capstone and pyramid joined together, signifying completion of Freemasonry plans to establish New World Order.
